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Best Practices: Story Selling for Impact

Story Selling at Story Vision Video

Our Mantra.

Marketing B-to-B products and services through the use of a story telling technique has been the mantra at Story Vision Video since our inception.


Now, years later, the marketing crowd is repackaging story telling in marketing as “Story Selling.”


Clever. I like it. As a journalist, years ago, I learned you had to sell each story if you wanted people to read, watch or listen.


Story selling is just the latest incarnation of that. And still something you should practice.


Wrapping your B-to-B marketing message in an attention-catching story will supercharge your message. Stories increase attention, credibility and retention. In other words, story selling helps capture more viewers, increases credibility and trust, and is remembered much longer.


Here’s how it works.


Include emotion as well as facts, and a plot. Emotion is the peg on which we remember everything else.


Rather than tout straight facts about why Product A is great, put Product A into the context of a story that turns heads and draws people in. A bit of emotion – often in the form of an empathetic character – will capture attention. Your viewer – your prospective customer – relates to the character in your video. This makes your video and all of the information in it more memorable.


Want to know more?


Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the process behind story selling, and Story Vision Video:




The Elements of Story Selling at Story Vision Video


Opening – The Problem

Begin the video with an empathetic opening that shows your prospective B-to-B client in the role of the protagonist–a $10 word for the main character in the story and in your video - who has a problem that needs solving. It is critical that the viewer recognize and relate to (empathize with) the same problems the protagonist is having. Let’s call our protagonist “Bill.”


Narrator: “Meet Bill. Bill’s the owner of a bread store called Loafing Around, but Bill has a problem. His customers have trouble eating his bread. It’s delicious, but the loaves are too large. Hard to fit into your mouth. Customers are biting big holes out of each loaf and spilling crumbs all over the place.”


Body – The Solution

As soon as possible in your story, introduce your B-to-B solution and brand. Include only enough facts for Bill and your viewers to recognize the solution. Hint: If you look at the problem through your customers’ eyes, it’s easy to cut out much of what you think you have to say to tell your story. Understandably, most of us are excited about our products and want to say too much about them.


Narrator: “Bill, ever think of slicing that thing? Introducing the greatest thing since fresh baked bread – fresh sliced bread using the Blade Doodle Bread Slicer. It’s patented reciprocating blades create perfect slices every time, for toast, sandwiches, melts and more!”

Loaf-of-wheat-bread-746817 VERTICAL .jpg

Resolution – The Happy Ending

This is where the pedal meets the metal and your story completes itself. Bill realizes he has found a solution. Viewers also recognize the viability of your B-to-B solution, and are either ready to buy or ready to receive more information.  


Narrator: “Bill tries the Blade Doodle Bread Slicer and his restaurant is changed forever. ‘Wow,’ says Bill. ‘This is the greatest thing since – since – sliced bread!’ Voila! With the Blade Doodle Bread Slicer, Bill’s sliced loaves are easier to eat and his business is growing. Customers are lined up at his door!”

Call-to-Action – What Next?

Every B-to-B video should end with a call to action that tells your viewer what you want them to do next. Click a button for more information? Call a number to purchase the product? Download a white paper? Fill out a form? Regardless, it’s the next step forward in the sales funnel for turning a prospect into a customer.


Narrator: "Blade Doodle: the greatest thing since sliced bread!"


Congratulations! You’ve put your sales pitch into a story. You’re “Story Selling” with Story Vision Video.


Want to sell more? Call us at Story Vision Video.  888-999-3150

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