Personalization boosts sales. Your prospects are more easily transformed into clients when they know more about you and your employees. We call it, Making it Personal....
Case in point - STAMAR Packaging. This nationwide seller of packaging products and solutions is gaining traction with both a CAPABILITIES video - and a GET TO KNOW US video. GET TO KNOW US tells Stamar's story through the eyes and voices of its employees.
The videos on this page were shot in a single day at the company's Elgin, Illinois headquarters. We saved STAMAR money and provided three great videos, including a captioned version for use at trade shows and in their lobby - all for the price of one video!
Our Easy Process
We take the load off your shoulders while keeping you in the loop at each stage:

You talk. We listen, gathering information as we go. About your objectives. Your target market. What keeps your customers up at night. Our brief questionnaire helps get to the heart of your story and the type of information we know we need to produce a great, effective video for you. We also provide creative ideas - the “hook” that catches viewer attention.

The script is the heart and soul of your video. It's where creativity comes to life. We write the script and send it back to you for approval. Next, we do a storyboard for whiteboard videos, and an art gallery for other video styles. You review and request revisions if needed. We work on it until you’re satisfied. We’re good. Most of our customers don’t need many revisions.

Your video! Here’s where it all comes together. Our narrator narrates and our editor edits, adding animation, music, sound effects and other nifty stuff until: Voilà! A masterpiece! Your masterpiece.

Once your video is edited we put it online for you to review. We make revisions if needed, and done! Yes, we offer unlimited revisions. NO, you won’t need them. Unlimited revisions are typically offered by off-shore production houses to overcome communication issues We’re 100% made in America and don’t have this problem.